Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Make Food!

I have been using herbs to augment pasta dishes all summer but last night I cooked with garden herbs for the first time. I made simple basil pesto:

Parmesan + olive oil + pine nuts + fresh basil = unbelievable flavorful deliciousness

I know a few handfuls of basil is hardly a victory garden, but the taste of food that you created is pretty special.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Take That, Flash Floods!

Here we have my sad little garden after one of West Virginia's crazy rain storms. My flowers completely drowned in a wave of warm summery rain sloshing out of my drain pipe. Watching the flowers struggling to stay afloat, I remembered all the Little House books where Laura watched her crops be eaten by grasshoppers/ruined by storms/burned by grass fires/trampled by cattle/confiscated by the government. But yesterday I rigged up a technologically advanced (it involved packing tape) drain pipe extender that will confound the flashiest flood.
But on the back patio, the flowers are incredibly lush beautiful. Therefore I took many pictures. Also--peppers!

Sunday, July 10, 2011


Here are some pictures illustrating some of the curtains I have made for my new house. Also, there is Bolli.

The Best Thing I Have Done in Huntington!

Today, I did something unexpected and amazing. I went to a dog show! Like in Best in Show! Huntington boasts its own kennel club, which is somewhat surprizing as it doesn't even have a Petco, but nevertheless, I spent the afternoon petting afghan hounds, basset hounds, mastiffs, and, those crazy dogs who look like mops--it was like Animal Planet came alive and jumped into my lap.
The Komondor is named Ziggy and he won Best in Show yesterday. The French mastiff is named Moses. Also, I love him.